Working paper on the future dialogue on automotive engineering in Saxony [AMZ, October 2019]
Working paper on the future dialogue on automotive engineering in Saxony
[AMZ, October 2019]The automotive industry is the most important sector in Saxony because it provides work for around 95,000 people, generates tax revenue for the state of Saxony with its productivity and, as an industrial sector, generates demand for numerous other economic units. The automotive industry is currently in a process of structural change with considerable upheavals within the industry. Two specialist studies presented by AMZ and CATI analyze and forecast the effects of these changes on Saxon companies and their employees.
In the course of developing this study, the AMZ experts held a total of 70 discussions with managing directors and plant managers of Saxon automotive suppliers. A key result of these discussions is the uniform assessment that the design of the framework conditions is lagging behind developments in Europe, so that the competitiveness of the Saxon locations is endangered. When asked whether a location decision would be the same for Saxony today as it was 20 years ago, those responsible often answered in the negative.
Read the working paper on the future dialogue (PDF, only German)